WeLcoMe To The LanD Of The TrasHMaN...
MaiN PagE

All ThE C0ol GaMes I PlaY

ScReEn ShoTs

SoMe HarDCorE LiNkaGe

MesSagE BoarD

GueSt BooK

WeLcoMe To My WebsiTe!

If you want my maps
you're at the wrong site.
You need to go here.
The NeWs And UpdaTes

5/10 This website had a short history, no I'm not deleting it. I'm merely archiving it. I will no longer update it, my weekly poll will become the infinite poll, no new nothing, noone comes here anyways, I'm putting all my time in to my map site. SO if you had this on your bookmarks, for some reason, replace it with my map site. Thank you.

5/6 Added a new map to my site, go DL it at my map site, you can also see several pictures of it at the Br Forums.

4/29 Added new pictures, and am trying to change something else.

4/28 I've added a new map to my map site called Castle. This map has the new objects made by kamikaze, including ghosts and statues. You can download them at Buddy13's download page.
I also added two new screenshots, one of Battle Realms and one of the hottest girl in the world.

4/25 First off, I organized my map site. and now for the big news... THE MESSAGE BOARD IS UP AND WORKING... WHO WILL GET FIRST POST? (Besides me of course...)

4/23 I have my map site caught up! All my maps have pictures now and i added a new 4 player map, Trekker. Really fun, go check it out!

4/22 I added a news section because having the same front page was getting boring, and I have nothing better to do. Anyways, I've added a new map to my collection, go check it out...

StriKes SiNce MarCh 1, 2002.

Click the counter if you'd like to make your own website.

